Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I seem to have almost 300 DVDs. I've seen most of them but I feel that I am being neglectful if I don't have them constantly on and if I am not looking at the TV most of my life.

If I take a break to write and plan, storyboard or otherwise get on with business, it is a distraction.

This week I saw 49 up and the stately, seady March of the Penguins and I think it may be time to officially end the term "documentary style" as applied to shaky amaturish crap.

Even The Mist, which is a good film with a fine director, opts for the trendy TV-style handheld "make it up on set and let the camera operators do as they like" approach that undermines the spell of the black and white version of the movie because the traditional approach has been chucked and it is glaringly obvious that the film was not made in the nineteen fifties.

I know The Fashion of the Christ has to be clear and cleverly lit, like a series of paintings.

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