Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Fashion of the Christ

The 18 page draft of The Fashion of the Christ has not been sellected by LIFT Out Loud for public reading. The generic e-mail said they are willing to look at another draft or another script at a future date. I'd like the script to at least earn a little notoriety before I shoot it. Apparently I am welcome to attend the session on the 4th anyway, moderated by Ken Finkleman writer of The Newsroom, Airplane II: The Sequel and Grease 2. Airplane II isn't bad at all, so having him hear my script might have been sort of cool.

Just what kind of generic, politically-correct, plodding pieces of poo are going to be presented I don't yet know. Nor do I know the value of my constructive criticism for them: I didn't get picked. Maybe what hurt The Fashion of the Christ is a section where characters pick apart the Bible in the same way scripts will be broken down after the public reading.

Meanwhile, I saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull opening day!
What a refreshing moviegoing trip. It really drives home how today's audiences have been
settling for shite. Action movies really do have to be in the hands of someone like Spielberg.
That lad will go far some day.

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